I’m Sorry Rose

Her name as beautiful as her body
A beautiful body that I always see
From the room with white curtain, snowy..

In the morning day

I see her face
Smile… shies…
Like she usually do
Wearing bright-pinkish-red clothes.
Like a princess

Day by day
More and more I want to touch you
More and more I want to kiss you
More and more I want you

When I try to touch you
Ouch! You hurt me
Then your tears fall on the ground

I’m sorry…
I’ll never try to touch you again
‘Cos you illustrate my daily
‘Cos you light up my dark life with your beauty
Rose… I’m sorry!

April 15th, 2005

~Mukti Penny~

2 respons untuk ‘I’m Sorry Rose

  1. walaupun gak paham artinya, tapi baguss loo..
    komennya kok gak ada, kan kasihhan ….. biar kelihatan hidup… mbak enny…….. lagi sibuk ta? kok gak muncul2 kan kangen juga mau sharing lagi. nanya2 soal kuliah kan lumayan………..

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